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Moringa and Soursop Leaves

The moringa olifera tree is also called the “Tree of Life,” or drumstick tree. All over the world, it is used for many different purposes, with over 1,000 research findings it is safe to call moringa a much-desired tree. Dr. Oz referred to moringa as an energy blaster because of its many nutritional and health benefits, but without the caffeine. The entire tree (leaves, flowers, seeds, pods, and roots) contain nutrients.  The leaves get the most attention for reducing high blood pressure, eliminating water weight, and lowering cholesterol. 


National Cancer Institute did a study and found the benefits of soursop leaves to include eliminating cancer cells in the body.  Although using soursop leaves for tea may be new to some people, soursop leaves have been used for centuries.   Soursop leaves assist in developing your immune system.  The leaves can also help relieve back pain by decreasing inflammation. Both the leaves and the fruit of the soursop tree contain high levels of Vitamins A, B, C, fiber, iron, potassium, and calcium.

*If you are taking other medications, check with your health care provider. As with any product, consume responsibly.

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